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Invest in Italian Wineries: A Lucrative Opportunity Backed by Government Incentives
Are you looking for a promising investment opportunity in the heart of Europe? Look no further than the flourishing world of Italian...

Commission provides helpful responses to key SFDR questions
O n 14 April 2023, the European Commission published its long awaited responses to the questions the European Supervisory Authorities...

Level 2 SFDR
Moving forward in completing the European ESG regulatory framework, the Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/1288 of 6 April 2022...

The relationships between SFDR, NFRD and EU Taxonomy
Since March 2021, SFDR has changed to include EU Taxonomy Regulation, which establishes specific environmental criteria relating to...

TEDx Bologna Salon Amazing
7 dic. 2023 Thank to Andrea Paure the Bologna TEDx Curator i served as a Co - Conductor of one of the most amazing event in the world...

Conference, Discussion & Networking
The European Chamber Southwest Chapter will invite Andrea Bolognini, CEO of Gruppo Professionale Bolognini, to analyze Chengdu business...

CPA for StartUp
Finally our 3 day course for CPA and consultant involved on startup is running, our first edition have 120 iscription and we spit in 3...

The New China immigration law
On April 1, 2017, China will launch a new visa point system that ranks foreigners in three categories: A, top level talent (85 points);...
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